Organisation Innovation Booster

Management Team

As a collegial body, the management team of the Innovation Booster "Co-Designing Human Services" plans and oversees the organization of all activities, including the innovation cycle, the call and events as well as all the services and facilities which sustain the booster. Set into place and mandated by the committee of the association, it sets the stage to sow the seeds for co-designed innovative ideas, ensuring the appointment of nationally recognized experts to the Panel. The current Management Team members are:

Kay Biesel

Panel Lead
Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit FHNW

Edo Carrasco

Lead User involvement
Fondazione il Gabbiono

Mirian Diz

Lead User involvement
Care Leavers

Domenico Ferrari

Lead Finances & Controlling

Nicole Fivaz

External Communication Consultant
Kreative Kommunikation & Coaching

Patricia Jungo

Lead Communication & Stakeholder Management

Frédérique Leresche

Lead Innovation Cycle

Pascal Maeder

Lead Coordination, Planning & Development

Anne Parpan-Blaser

Lead Innovation Cycle

Marco Pedrotti

Lead Web & Support


The Panel is the Innovation Booster’s body for the selection and evaluation of innovation ideas. It is chaired by a presidency and consists of ten members, representing research, service workers, service managers, service users and representatives from government on an equal basis. Currently, the Panel is composed as follows:

Kay Biesel

Panel chair, Hochschule Soziale Arbeit FHNW

Gaëlle Aeby

Haute école de travail social HES-SO Valais-Wallis

Susanne Breitenstein

Mütter- und Väterberatung Zofingen

Kristin Busch

Opferhilfe beider Basel

Sabine Felder


Michael Gabathuler

Service Innovation, Office fédéral de la santé publique OFSP

Miriam Halter

Swiss Careleaver Association, Careleaver Network Central Switzerland

Marie-Thérèse Hofer

Centre de compétence Leaving Care

Ingrid Kissling

Haute école de gestion BFH

Tim Mundhenk

Office des mineurs du Canton de Berne

Peter Syfrig
